ViPR trainer


When you become a ViPR trainer you enter into a community with other instructors and master trainers, not only through but through social media channels Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

These are places where trainers and master trainers upload photos, swap ViPR stories and where we often give you a heads-up about the latest innovation to rock the ViPR world. We also post ViPR banners, testimonials and inspirational quotes that you can share on your personal or business social media accounts. And, of course, if you have any questions then simply post them on these mediums and we’ll get back to you with the answer as soon as we can.

The ViPR YouTube channel is the place to go to see the latest moves, watch master trainers talk you through good technique and progressions and regressions and to simply watch ViPR being used in the coolest ways imaginable.

ViPR – the certification is only the beginning.